Preview Mode (Legacy)
Note: The Page Viewing Modes of yesterday have been superseded by the Universal Visual Editor, which unifies the traditional page-editing tools with the ability to perform in-context editing headlessly, likewise superseding Edit Mode Anywhere.
Preview Mode allows a quick preview of a working, or draft, version of a Page asset. Preview Mode is the default position among the three interconnected dotCMS Page viewing modes, consisting of Preview Mode, Edit Mode, and Live Mode.
Opening a Page asset from the Site Browser takes you directly to the Preview viewing mode. Alternately, if opening a Page asset or URL-mapped content from the back-end Content Search, then simply click Preview above the content Workflows.
As with Edit Mode and Live Mode, Preview Mode allows you to simulate a Page as viewed across different devices, languages, or personalizations, where applicable. For more information on these and more common features — such as locking a Page for editing — see Page Viewing Modes.
Preview Mode omits the additional interface elements of Edit Mode, to more faithfully depict the draft as it will appear to end users.
What's Changed?#
Preview Mode's unique control, the What's Changed? checkbox, highlights differences in inline text between a Page's draft and live versions. Text altered in the draft but not published on the Page the changes will be reflected in green for additions and red for deletions.
Note: this feature does not track changes in the
table, where dotCMS stores the links between Pages, Containers, and content; as such, it will not detect changes such as the reordering, replacement, or removal of contentlets.
Further Customization#
If you require a specific, custom behavior from the What's Changed function, webmasters can query the request header User-Agent
, which will have a value of DOTCMS-HTMLPAGEDIFF
while the box is checked.
You can access the User-Agent
header from your Velocity page code in this way:
#if ($request.getHeader("User-Agent") == "DOTCMS-HTMLPAGEDIFF") ## Custom code goes here! #end