User Agent Viewtool

The User AgentTool is a viewtool for getting user agent information from within Velocity code. It provides methods to get information about the user agent, device type, browser, browser version, operating system, manufacturer and rendering engine. These can be used to display different versions of content depending on the user's platform.


This viewtool calls libraries from the user-agent-utils project by Harold Walker.


Components of the User Agent information can be retrieved as follows:

User Agent InformationVelocity CodeExample Result
Device type$useragent.typeCOMPUTER
Browser version$useragent.version45.0.2454.99
Operating System$useragent.osWINDOWS_7
Rendering engine$useragent.engineWEBKIT


These examples demonstrate two of the most common uses of the User Agent Viewtool.

Example 1: Display Platform Information#

The following velocity code displays all platform information available from the User Agent Tool.

<pre> Agent: $useragent.agent Type: $useragent.type Browser: $useragent.browser Version: $useragent.version OS: $useragent.os Manufacturer: $useragent.manufacturer Engine: $useragent.engine </pre>

Which displays the following on a sample test system:

Agent: WINDOWS_7-CHROME45 Type: COMPUTER Browser: CHROME45 Version: 45.0.2454.99 OS: WINDOWS_7 Manufacturer: MICROSOFT Engine: WEBKIT

Example 2: Change How Images are Displayed on Different Platforms#

The following velocity code resizes the displayed image to a width appropriate for the platform where the page is viewed.

#if("$!{useragent.type}" == "MOBILE") #set("$image_width" = "250") #elseif("$!{useragent.type}" == "TABLET") #set("$image_width" = "400") #else #set("$image_width" = "600") #end <img src="$!{image_width}" />

Toolbox.xml Configuration#

The following example shows how the User AgentTool is mapped in the toolbox.xml file:

<tool> <key>useragent</key> <scope>request</scope> <class>com.dotcms.rendering.velocity.viewtools.UserAgentTool</class> </tool>