Secrets Viewtool
The $dotsecrets
Viewtool allows passing of a secret string or character array — such as a token, key, password, etc. — via Velocity, without including sensitive data in the VTL file.
The Secrets Viewtool debuted in release 23.07. Its toolbox.xml mapping is as follows:
<tool> <key>dotsecrets</key> <scope>application</scope> <class>com.dotcms.rendering.velocity.viewtools.SecretTool</class> </tool>
General Security Notes#
The handling of secrets in any context calls for care; misuse of the Secrets Viewtool can lead to exposure of sensitive data.
We recommend using the Secrets Viewtool in conjunction with a custom Scripting API endpoint or the Velocity Script Workflow Sub-Action, as these offer no opportunity for a secret to be unintentionally rendered.
When used within a Widget or Page, avoid printing $dotsecrets
anywhere it has the potential to be rendered. One easy guideline for this use case is to use the viewtool only within the parentheses of a Velocity directive. For example:
#if($userInput == $dotsecrets[$userKey])
Render this block.
This ensures the secret will not appear in a user's browser session.
When using the Secrets Viewtool as part of an API call to an external application, it is important that the data retrieved from $dotsecrets
be sent directly to that external target instead of back to a browser session. While many in many contexts it is appropriate to offload API calls to a client to spare server load, this pattern is not recommended in the context of $dotsecrets
, as it virtually guarantees the secret's exposure. Instead, wrap the call in a Scripting API method; if the server handles the sensitive call and simply returns its results to the client, this presents no such risk.
Role Requirement#
As an additional security measure, the Secrets Viewtool has a role requirement — the publisher must have the Scripting User system role. Likewise, if accessing through an API token, the token must have come from a user with this role.
If a user without this role publishes content containing calls to $dotsecrets
any provided keys will return a value of null
In the context of push publishing, the configured push-publishing user on the receiving server should likewise be equipped with the Scripting User role. This does not imply that any user who can push publish will transitively be able to use $dotsecrets
on the receiving server; the process of saving a draft or publishing on the sending server will, in the case of a non-Scripting User, deactivate the viewtool before it is sent to the receiver.
Disabling Feature#
To disable the Secrets Viewtool across the system, set the following environment variable:
This variable is set to true
by default.
Note: This is distinct from the
variable used by the Scripting User system role.
App Configuration#
The Secrets Viewtool interfaces with a special app called Dot Velocity Secrets, which lives under System → Apps. All keys must be stored as Custom Properties under either a specific site or the system host. No site can access the secrets of another site, though secrets stored at the system host level are accessible from any site. As a general rule, it is better to make secrets as narrowly accessible as possible; accordingly, it is best to use system host secrets only in cases where one operation affects multiple sites.
Headless Configuration#
The Dot Velocity Secrets App can be configured headlessly through a special /v1/apps/dotVelocitySecretApp
REST API endpoint. To POST
to this endpoint, use the relevant site identifier as a path parameter, and include a JSON payload of properties with the following schema:
"property": {
"hidden": true|false,
"value": "string"
There is a single reserved property called title
, which provides a descriptive title for the Site entry within the app. Its hidden
property cannot be changed from false
All other properties are keys corresponding to a secret value.
Example of updating the dotCMS Demo Site:
curl -v -u -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "title":{"hidden":false,"value":"dotCMS demo site secrets"}, "test2":{"hidden":true,"value":"secret2"}, "test1":{"hidden":false,"value":"secret1"} }'
Similarly, updating the System Host:
curl -v -u -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"title":{"hidden":false,"value":"dotCMS demo site system secrets"},
Using either of those URLs with the GET
HTTP method will simply return their properties. If you GET
the endpoint without a path parameter, it returns a list of site entries within the app, but not their individual properties.
Velocity Commands#
Command | Result |
$dotsecrets.get("foo") or $ or $dotsecrets["foo"] or $dotsecrets[$foo] | Four equivalent ways to retrieve the local site secret stored with key foo — in the last case after the declaration of #set($foo = "foo") |
$dotsecrets.getSystemSecret("foo") | Retrieves the system host secret stored with the key foo . |
$dotsecrets.getCharArray("foo") | Similar to .get("foo") , but returns the local site secret as an array of characters instead of a string. |
$dotsecrets.getCharArraySystemSecret("foo") | Similar to .getSystemSecret("foo") , but returns the system host secret as an array of characters instead of a string. |
Passing an API Key or Token in Velocity#
After storing the access token in the Dot Velocity Secret App under the key myKey
, you can include it in the Authorization
header of an API call as follows:
#set($queryString = "{ \"query\":\"hello world\" }")
#set($timeout = 3000)
#set($headers = {})
$!{headers.put("Authorization", "bearer ${dotsecrets.myKey}")}
$!{headers.put("Content-type" , "application/json")}
#set($results = $"", $timeout, $headers, $queryString))