REST API Endpoints
This document lists all of the publicly exposed end points in the dotCMS code base.
Important Notes:
- Although some of these methods (e.g. HTTP GET methods) may be accessed via a URL, the ideal way of accessing them is through the dotCMS back-end, since some of them depend on values associated with a form, or HTML request or session values.
- Accessing some of these end-points via a URL will cause an error, unless an appropriate tool (e.g. curl) is used to supply the appropriate data to the request or session object.
- End-points which are intended to be accessible from a URL (e.g. end-points using HTTP GET methods) include a demo Link next to the method Description and Example.
- These demo links run against the dotCMS Demo Site to demonstrate use of the end point.
- Many of these end-points require appropriate Permissions on the dotCMS site to work.
- These end-points - and any demo Links in the tables below - will fail if you do not first login to the site.
- To enable the demo Links below, you can login to the dotCMS Demo Site with the user name
and passwordadmin
- Even for end-points that cannot be accessed via a URL, the URL is provided so that developers can easily look for the Javascript code that is making the Ajax call to the exposed back-end services.
- If it’s not possible to get to any end-point through the dotCMS UI, you can use the Postman Chrome extension to access the end-points directly, when possible.
For more information on how to call each of the APIs, please see Calling the API below, and refer to the example provided for the specific API call.
Calling the API#
There are two sections of the dotCMS REST API: The Original API and New API. The URL format used to call the API varies for each section of the API and each call, as outlined for each class below. With new versions of dotCMS, all new REST API endpoints will use the New REST API URL format.
Original API#
Calls to the Original API are made in the following form:
New API#
Calls to the New API are made in similar form, except:
- The New API requires specification of the API version (current version is
). - The New API calls often allow more specific identification of the system objects being referenced, in a standard form that follows the path of the class being referenced:
Additional REST API Operations Using Workflow Actions#
In addition to the operations supported directly via REST API endpoints, any operation which can be performed with Workflow Actions can be performed using the REST API, by triggering a Workflow Action which performs the operation.
This not only enables you to perform many built-in dotCMS operations which do not have a specific REST API endpoint, but it also allows you to trigger any custom Workflow actions you've created (either via a custom Workflow action plugin or using the Custom Code field on a workflow Action).
For example, the following common dotCMS operations do not have specific REST API endpoints, but can be performed with the REST API by triggering Workflow Actions:
- Archiving, unarchiving, and deleting content
- Performing a link check on content
- Sending email to users or external email addresses
- Push publishing content
- Setting the value of a single field in content (without re-submitting all other fields of the content)
Configuring Operations Using Workflows#
Perform the following steps before using the REST API to trigger a Workflow Action:
- Create a new Workflow action (or identify an existing action) which performs the desired operation(s) on the content. Note:
- The Workflow action(s) must be created in the Workflow which is assigned to the Content Type you wish to perform the operations on.
- Ensure that the Workflow actions you plan to trigger can be used by the user account which is used to authenticate the REST API calls.
- All Workflow actions triggered via the REST API will still respect permissions.
- (Recommended) Test the Workflow action in the dotCMS back-end to ensure it performs the correct operations on the content.
Triggering Workflow Actions with the REST API#
Once you've configured a Workflow Action, you can perform the following steps each time you wish to trigger the Workflow action(s) using the REST API:
- Retrieve the identifier of the content which you wish to perform the operation on.
- Make a REST API call to trigger the appropriate Workflow Action.
- For more information including an example, please see the Save Content Using the REST API documentation.
Original REST API#
The following classes use the traditional calling conventions of the Original REST API. Most of these methods are supported in earlier version of dotCMS (dotCMS release 3.3 and below). For the specific methods available, see the documentation for each specific class.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
get | GET | Used by the sending server to request a status update from the receiver. /api/auditPublishing/get/BUNDLE_ID | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getLayout | GET | /api/layout/getLayout | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
publish | POST | Create a bundle and publish it. Waits for the process to start before returning. /api/bundlePublisher/publish | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getUnsendBundles | GET | Display a list of bundles that have not yet been sent. /api/bundle/getunsendbundles/userid/USER_ID | Yes |
updateBundle | GET | Change the name of a bundle. /api/bundle/updatebundle/bundleid/BUNDLE_ID?bundleName=newname | Yes |
deletePushHistory | GET | Delete the Push History for a piece of Content. /api/bundle/deletepushhistory/assetid/ASSET_ID | Yes |
deleteEnvironmentPushHistory | GET | Delete the Push History for an entire Publishing environment /api/bundle/deleteenvironmentpushhistory/environmentid/ENVIRONMENT_ID | Yes |
deleteBundlesByIdentifiers | DELETE | Delete the bundles having the IDs in the list. /api/bundle/ids/BUNDLE_ID[,BUNDLE_ID...] | Yes |
deleteBundlesOlderThan | DELETE | Delete all bundles older than the specified date. /api/bundle/olderthan/DATE_AND_TIME | Yes |
deleteAllBundles | DELETE | Delete all bundles with the specified status. /api/bundle/all/SUCCESS/FAIL | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
saveCompanyBasicInfo | POST | Save the company Basic Information. /api/config/saveCompanyBasicInfo | Yes |
saveCompanyLocaleInfo | POST | Save the company Locale info. /api/config/saveCompanyLocaleInfo | Yes |
saveCompanyAuthTypeInfo | POST | Save the company authorization info. /api/config/saveCompanyAuthTypeInfo | Yes |
saveCompanyLogo | POST | Upload a new company logo image. /api/config/saveCompanyLogo | Yes |
deleteEnvironment | POST | Delete a publishing environment. /api/config/deleteEnvironment | Yes |
deleteEndpoint | POST | Delete an endpoint from a publishing environment. /api/config/deleteEndpoint | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
indexSearch | GET | Perform an ElasticSearch query and return the results. /api/content/indexsearch/+structurename:webpagecontent/sortby/modDate/limit/20/offset/0 | No |
indexCount | GET | Count the number of results returned in an ElasticSearch query. /api/content/indexcount/+structurename:webpagecontent | No |
lockContent | PUT | Lock a piece of content, specified by inode. /api/content/lock/inode/CONTENT_INODE | Yes |
canLock | PUT | Returns whether the content can be locked (by the logged in user). /api/content/canlock/inode/CONTENT_INODE | Yes |
unlockContent | PUT | Unlock a piece of content, specified by inode. /api/content/unlock/inode/CONTENT_INODE | Yes |
getContent | GET | Retrieve content using an ElasticSearch query. /api/content/render/false/query/+contentType:webPageContent%20+(conhost:48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797%20conhost:SYSTEM_HOST)%20+languageId:1%20+deleted:false%20+working:true/orderby/modDate%20desc | No |
multipartPUT | PUT | Create new content on your dotCMS site.For a detailed example of using a multipartPOST, please see the Content API - JSON & Binary Submit documentation, and replace "POST" with "PUT" . | Yes |
multipartPOST | POST | Create new content on your dotCMS site.For a detailed example of using a multipartPUT, please see the Content API - JSON & Binary Submit documentation. | Yes |
singlePUT | PUT | Create new content on your dotCMS site. /api/content/save/1/api/content/publish/1/api/content/[Workflow Action Name][/wfActionComments/COMMENT][/wfActionAssign/USER_ID] For a detailed example of using a singlePUT, please see the Save Content Using REST API documentation. | Yes |
singlePOST | POST | Creates new content on your dotCMS site. /api/content/save/1/api/content/publish/1/api/content/[Workflow Action Name][/wfActionComments/COMMENT][/wfActionAssign/USER_ID] For a detailed example of using a singlePOST, please see the Save Content Using REST API documentation, and replace -XPUT with -XPOST . | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
loadEnvironments | GET | Return a JSON representation of the environments (with servers) that the Role with the given roleid can push to. /api/environment/loadenvironments/roleId/ROLE_ID/ | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
layoutGet | GET | /api/portlet// | Yes |
layoutPost | POST | /api/portlet// | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getNotifications | GET | Retrieve the notifications available. `/api/notification/getNotifications/allusers/TRUE | FALSE/` |
getNewNotificationsCount | GET | Retrieve the count of new Notifications Note: This is refreshed (and cleared) every 5 seconds. `/api/notification/getNewNotificationsCount/allusers/TRUE | FALSE/` |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getNotifications | GET | List Loaded OSGI Plugins. /api/osgi/getInstalledBundles/ignoreSystemBundles/true/type/json | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
loadJson | GET | Display the REST API JSON example code (available from "Rest Example Portlet"). /api/restexample/test/ | No |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
loadchildren | GET | Display child Roles. /api/role/loadchildren/ | Yes |
loadbyid | GET | Load a Role by the Role ID. /api/role/loadbyid/id/ROLE_ID/r/8026756389329 | Yes |
loadbyname | GET | Load a Role by the Role name. /api/role/loadbyname/name/ROLE NAME/ | Yes |
No methods available.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getStructuresWithWYSIWYGFields | GET | List structures that contain WYSIWYG fields. /api/structure/ | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | List all tags available on the system (or available on the specified host). /api/v1/tags Optional parameter: ?siteId=SITE_ID | No |
com/dotcms/rest/ Deprecated#
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getloggedinuser | GET | Deprecated. Get the currently logged in user. /api/user/getloggedinuser Note: This returns the same information (in a different order) as the current method of the New REST API class. | Yes |
Please see UserResource, above.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getWidget | GET | /api/widget/id/WIDGET_ID | No |
The following classes use the new calling conventions of the Rules REST API. For the specific methods available, see the documentation for each specific class.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
current | GET | Gets the contentlet (by identifier or inode): /api/v1/content/inodeOrIdentifier | No (as long as the content is available to anonymous users) |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
query | GET | Performs a content pull (similar to the standard content resource) using a query, but unlike the standard content resource, this pull also includes and all related content. /api/v1/contentrelationships/query/Lucene_query | Yes |
id | GET | Pulls the content item specified by the supplied identifier, and all content related to it. /api/v1/contentrelationships/id/Content_ID | Yes |
inode | GET | Pulls the content item specified by the supplied inode, and all content related to it. /api/v1/contentrelationships/inode/Content_inode | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
current | GET | Get a Content Type: /api/v1/contenttype/id/typeId | Yes |
add | POST | Creates a Content Type of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API: /api/v1/contenttype/ | Yes |
copy | POST | Copies the specified Content Type, specifying the copy's properties in JSON passed to the API: /api/v1/contenttype/typeID/_copy | Yes |
current | PUT | Updates a Content Type of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API: /api/v1/contenttype/id/typeId | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Deletes the specified Content Type (by identifier): /api/v1/contenttype/id/typeId | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
current | GET | Lists all fields of given content type: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields | Yes |
current | GET | Retrieves a specific field by ID, and returns all the properties of the field: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldID | Yes |
current | GET | Retrieves a specific field by Variable, and returns all the properties of the field: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/var/fieldVar | Yes |
add | POST | Creates a field of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields | Yes |
current | PUT | Updates a field of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldID | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Deletes the field specified by variable, from the specified Content Type (by identifier): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldID | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Deletes the field specified by variable, from the specified Content Type (by identifier): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/var/fieldVar | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
current | GET | Lists all Field Variables of a Field (by identifier), on a given Content Type: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldId/variables | Yes |
current | GET | Lists all Field Variables of a Field (by variable), on a given Content Type: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/var/fieldVar/variables | Yes |
current | GET | Retrieves a Field Variable, after passing the Field Variable ID and the Field ID: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldId/variables/id/fieldVarId | Yes |
current | GET | Retrieves a Field Variable, after passing the Field Variable ID and the variable of the Field: /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/var/fieldVar/variables/id/fieldVarId | Yes |
add | POST | Creates a Field Variable of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API (by Field ID): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldId/variables | Yes |
add | POST | Creates a Field Variable of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API (by Field Var): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/var/fieldVar/variables | Yes |
current | PUT | Updates a Field Variable of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API (by Field ID and Field Variable ID): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldId/variables/id/fieldVarId | Yes |
current | PUT | Updates a field of the type specified in a JSON file being passed to the API (by variable of the Field and Field Variable ID): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/var/fieldVar/variables/id/fieldVarId | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Deletes the Field Variable specified by Field Variable identifier and the Field Identifier, from the specified Content Type (by identifier): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/id/fieldId/variables/id/fieldVarId | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Deletes the Field Variable specified by Field Variable identifier and the Field Variable, from the specified Content Type (by identifier): /api/v1/contenttype/typeId/fields/var/fieldVar/variables/id/fieldVarId | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
get | GET | Get the specified Language. /api/v2/languages/languageId | Yes |
save | POST | Create a new Language. /api/v2/languages Request body: (languageCode an language are mandatory) { "languageCode":"it", "language":"Italian", "countryCode":"IT", "country":"Italy" } | Yes |
update | PUT | Update an existing Language. /api/v2/languages/languageId Request body: (languageCode an language are mandatory) { "languageCode":"it", "language":"Italian", "countryCode":"IT", "country":"Italy" } | Yes |
delete | DELETE | Delete an existing Language. /api/v2/languages/languageId | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
getMenus | GET | Get the layout menus and sub-menus that the logged in user has access to.Note: This API is intended for internal dotCMS use only, and results are returned as application/javascript . /api/v1/menu | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
json | GET | Get the contents of the specified page in JSON format, with each element of the page encapsulated as a separate JSON element. /api/v1/page/json/PATH_TO_PAGE | Yes |
render | GET | Render the contents of the specified page as HTML. Each element of the page is encapsulated as a separate JSON element, but is fully rendered HTML within the JSON element. /api/v1/page/render/PATH_TO_PAGE | Yes |
End Point | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | List all Personas on a site. Note: The site ID is read from the com.dotmarketing.session_host session key. /api/v1/personas | Yes |
Site Rule Engine#
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
self | GET | Retrieve information about an Action on a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/actions/ACTION_ID | Yes |
add | POST | Add an Action to a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/actions | Yes |
update | PUT | Update an Action on a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/actions/ACTION_ID | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Delete an Action from a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/actions/ACTION_ID | Yes |
For more information on these end points, please see the Actions REST API documentation.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | List Conditions groups for a Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID/conditionGroups | Yes |
self | GET | Retrieve information about a Condition group. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID/conditionGroups/CONDITION_GROUP_ID | Yes |
add | POST | Add a Condition group to a Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID/conditionGroups | Yes |
update | PUT | Update a Condition Group in a Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID/conditionGroups/CONDITION_GROUP_ID | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Remove a Condition group from a Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID/conditionGroups/CONDITION_GROUP_ID | Yes |
For more information on these end points, please see the Conditions REST API documentation.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
self | GET | Retrieve information about a Condition on a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID | Yes |
add | POST | Add a Condition to a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions | Yes |
update | PUT | Update a Condition on a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Delete a Condition from a site. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID | Yes |
For more information on these end points, please see the Conditions REST API documentation.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | List values of a Condition. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID/conditionValues | Yes |
self | GET | Retrieve information about a specific Condition value. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID/conditionValues/CONDITION_VALUES_ID | Yes |
add | POST | Add a value to a Condition. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID/conditionValues | Yes |
update | PUT | Update the a Condition value. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID/conditionValues/CONDITION_VALUES_ID | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Remove a value from a Condition. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/conditions/CONDITION_ID/conditionValues/CONDITION_VALUES_ID | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | List all Rules. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules | Yes |
self | GET | Retrieve information about an individual Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID | Yes |
add | POST | Add a Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules | Yes |
update | PUT | Enable or disable a Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID | Yes |
remove | DELETE | Remove a Rule. /api/v1/sites/SITE_ID/ruleengine/rules/RULE_ID | Yes |
System Settings and Resources#
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | Retrieve the value of the specified language variable for the specified language or country. /api/v1/system/i18n/LANGUAGE_OR_COUNTRY_CODE/LANGUAGE_KEY | No |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
checkuserroles | GET | List all Roles of the currently logged in user. /api/v1/roles/checkuserroles/userid/USER_ID/roleids/ROLE_ID | Yes |
rolehierarchyanduserroles | GET | List the specified Role and all users assigned that Role. /api/v1/roles/ROLE_ID/rolehierarchyanduserroles | |
rolehierarchyanduserroles | GET | List the specified Role and all users assigned that Role, including all Parent/Ancestor Roles. /api/v1/roles/ROLE_ID/rolehierarchyanduserroles?roleHierarchyForAssign=true | |
rolehierarchyanduserroles | GET | List the specified Role and all users assigned that Role by the Role name instead of the Role Key. /api/v1/roles/ROLE_ID/rolehierarchyanduserroles?name=ROLE_NAME |
-> get Role and User of the specific roleId/api/v1/roles/{roleId}/rolehierarchyanduserroles?roleHierarchyForAssign=true
-> get Role and User of the specific roleId and their respective parents/api/v1/roles/{roleId}/rolehierarchyanduserroles?name={roleName}
-> get Role and User of the specific roleId and filter the result by name (starts with)
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | List all available Actionlets. /api/v1/system/ruleengine/actionlets | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
list | GET | List all available Conditionlets. /api/v1/system/ruleengine/conditionlets | Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
statusCheck | GET | Return status code to indicate system status. /api/v1/system-status/
| Yes |
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Description and Example | Login Required |
current | GET | Get the currently logged in user. /api/v1/users/current | Yes |
current | PUT | Changes field values for the currently logged in user. /api/v1/users/current | Yes |
filter | GET | Returns a list of dotCMS users based on the specified search criteria. /api/users/filter/Parameters | Yes |
loginas | PUT | Login as a specific user account. /api/user/loginas/userid/USER_ID/api/user/loginas/userid/USER_ID/pwd/PASSWORD | Yes |
logoutas | PUT | End current "Login as" session (logout from specific user account). /api/v1/users/logoutas | Yes |