OWASP Encoder Plugin

The OWASP Encoder Plugin creates a Velocity viewtool with a number of useful input-sanitization functions. Strategic use of such procedures in Velocity templates can help prevent XSS-based attacks.


Please refer to the General Instructions under Plugin Examples.


Once the plugin is installed, your Velocity context will include a new viewtool accessed by calling $owasp. Its capabilities can be seen in the table below; each method accepts a string as its input argument.

All for... methods perform encoding operations that escape or enclose terminating sequences or similar dangers, and return the modified input. More detailed documentation of these can be found in the Encoder class's Javadoc.

$owasp.validateUrlReturns true if input is a valid URL, false otherwise.
$owasp.urlHasXSSReturns true if input contains a substring that may execute a script.
$owasp.cleanUrlIf input is a valid URL, returns a version sanitized with the forHtmlAttribute method; returns null otherwise.
$owasp.forCDATAEncodes data for an XML CDATA section. Replaces ]]> with ]]>]]<![CDATA[>
$owasp.forCssStringSanitizes CSS strings using hexidecimal encodings; safe to use in both style blocks and attributes in HTML. Characters: "'\<&/> as well as a number of non-printing characters such as line and paragraph separators, null characters, etc.
$owasp.forCssUrlEncodes for CSS URL contexts. The context must be surrounded by url( and ).
$owasp.forHtmlEncodes for both HTML text content and text attributes. Note that since this method handles both, it is less efficient than either forHtmlAttribute or forHtmlContent. Characters affected: &<>"'
$owasp.forHtmlAttributeThis method encodes for HTML text attributes. Characters: &<"' (Note: Encoding > is not required for attributes.)
$owasp.forHtmlContentThis method encodes for HTML text content. Characters: &<>
$owasp.forHtmlUnquotedAttributeEncodes for unquoted HTML attribute values. forHtml or forHtmlAttribute should usually be preferred over this method as quoted attributes are XHTML compliant.
$owasp.forJavaEncodes for a Java string. This method will use \b, \t, \r, \f, \n, \", \', \\, octal and unicode escapes. Valid surrogate pairing is not checked.
$owasp.forJavaScriptEncodes for a JavaScript string; safe for use in HTML script attributes (such as onclick), script blocks, JSON files, and JavaScript source. Escapes backspace, horizontal tab, line feed, form feed, carriage return, &"'\/, and more.
$owasp.forJavaScriptAttributeEncodes for Javascript within HTML script attributes such as onclick; not safe for use in script blocks.
$owasp.forJavaScriptBlockEncodes for Javascript within HTML script blocks; not safe for use in script attributes.
$owasp.forJavaScriptSourceThis method encodes for JavaScript strings contained within a JavaScript or JSON file; not safe for use in any context embedded in HTML.
$owasp.forUriDeprecated. Performs encoding of a URL, assumed valid.
$owasp.forUriComponentPerforms percent-encoding for a component of a URI, such as a query parameter name or value, path or query-string. Ensures special characters are not interpreted as part of another component.
$owasp.forXmlEncoder for XML and XHTML; see forHtml.
$owasp.forXmlAttributeEncodes XML attributes; see forHtmlAttribute.
$owasp.forXmlContentEncodes XML content; see forHtmlContent.
$owasp.forXmlCommentEncpdes XML comments. Not for use with (X)HTML contexts, as comments may be misinterpreted by browsers.


The following input results in the subsequent output sequence:

#set($url = "https://www.google.com/search?q=maven+repository&oq=maven&aqs=chrome.1.<script>alert('test');</script>.2855j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8") $owasp.validateUrl($url) $owasp.forHtmlAttribute($url) $owasp.urlHasXSS($url) $owasp.forHtml("<script>window.location='/bad-url?doBadThings=true';</script>")
true https://www.google.com/search?q=maven+repository&amp;oq=maven&amp;aqs=chrome.1.&lt;script>alert(&#39;test&#39;);&lt;/script>.2855j0j1&amp;sourceid=chrome&amp;ie=UTF-8 true &lt;script&gt;window.location=&#39;/bad-url?doBadThings=true&#39;;&lt;/script&gt;