Navigation REST API
The navigation REST API enables you to retrieve information about the dotCMS file and folder tree through REST API calls.
The Navigation API has a single method, /api/v1/nav
, which retrieves a list of navigation elements (folders, files, pages, and menu links) that have the Show on Menu property set to true.
The API accepts the following parameters:
Parameter | Default Value | Description | Examples |
path | (None) | The root path to begin traversing the folder tree. |
depth | 1 | The depth of the folder tree to return. |
languageId | 1 | The language ID of content to return. |
Note: The Default Language Fall-Through Configuration will be respected for returned content. |
Return a Site or Folder (depth=1)#
The following curl command returns information on the /about-us folder (without any of its children) on the dotCMS Demo Site:
curl --location --request GET ""
The command returns the following JSON results (formatted here for readability):
"entity": {
"title":"About Us",
Return the Direct Children of a Site or Folder (depth=2)#
The following curl command returns the /about-us folder on the dotCMS Demo Site, and all folders and files within it in the language with Language ID 2 (Spanish):
curl --location --request GET ""
The command returns the following JSON results (formatted here for readability):
{ "errors":[], "entity": { "code":null, "folder":"1049e7fe-1553-4731-bdf9-ba069f1dc08b", "children": [ { "code":null, "folder":null, "host":"48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797", "languageId":1, "href":"/about-us/index", "title":"About Us", "type":"htmlpage", "hash":467696219, "target":"_self", "order":0 }, { "code":null, "folder":"d19a2815-1037-4a17-bce5-7a36eeaa8d54", "host":"48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797", "languageId":1, "href":"/about-us/locations", "title":"Locations", "type":"folder", "hash":1931963491, "target":"_self", "order":2 }, { "code":null, "folder":"ce49e1e7-4d0f-4af2-a87c-5e9c5562278c", "host":"48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797", "languageId":1, "href":"/about-us/our-team", "title":"Our Team", "type":"folder", "hash":2075344630, "target":"_self", "order":3 } ], "host":"48190c8c-42c4-46af-8d1a-0cd5db894797", "languageId":1, "href":"/about-us", "title":"About Us", "type":"folder", "hash":1704969069, "target":"_self", "order":1 }, "messages":[], "i18nMessagesMap":{}, "permissions":[] }