LoggedIn Site User
The dotCMS LoggedIn Site User role on assets requires users to login using their backend username and password to view the web page or web asset. The image below shows an HTML page that has the LoggedIn Site User ;permission set on the permissions tab.
Since the CMS Anonymous permission is not present, normally this page would be unreachable on the front end. However, the LoggedIn Site Userpermission will bring the front end user to a login page.
The hard coded path for the default login page referred to by the LoggedIn Site User permission is "/application/login/login.dot" and can be styled, but lives within dotCMS and should not be changed. This page is provided with the dotCMS starter site and should be styled to act as a default login page.
After a successful login with their backend user, users will be directed back to HTML page that triggered the login request. Users who do not have a backend role with view permissions to the page will be asked again for a valid user login.
Though the default login should not be changed within dotCMS, it is possible to write a custom login page within dotCMS which checks a user, user role permissions, etc. For more information on customizing a login page please contact: sales@dotcms.com