JSON Field

Introduced in version 22.10, the JSON field allows you to store, access, and manipulate semi-structured data within your content in the form of JSON objects.

Screenshot of a JSON field in the user interface, with the editor view toggled.

Adding a JSON Field#

You can add a JSON field to a content type in the same ways as any other field, either headlessly or through the user interface:

Screenshot of the JSON Field item from the Content Type editor in the admin panel.

Accessing JSON Data#

Note: This section focuses on content objects in Velocity; retrieving the field's data headlessly, such as via a CRUD operation, returns a standard JSON string.

Once you have loaded the field into the Velocity context, either through a built-in content object or a manual content pull, the data is mapped by default, and can be traversed through its keys.

For example, if a URL-mapped content type has a JSON field named jsonField containing the following data, as seen in the screenshot above:

{ "look":"1", "at":2, "some":"asdfjkl;", "JSON":[ { "data":1234, "arranged":"(and how!)" }, "as an example" ] }

The JSON object is accessible by calling the JSON field through the relevant content object — in this example, $URLMapContent.jsonField would be applicable. If called directly, this will return the JSON data in its entirety; to access a data member individually, call the relevant key as an object property.

Here are some examples of calls to data members of the JSON above:

Example CallResult
$URLMapContent.jsonField.JSON[0]{data=1234, arranged=(and how!)}
$URLMapContent.jsonField.JSON[1]as an example

Using the keys as properties is the same as calling the .get method with that property as the argument. That is, the following two expressions are identical:

  • $URLMapContent.jsonField.look
  • $URLMapContent.jsonField.get("look")


Performing a #foreach directive over the JSON field's data object directly will return values only. For example:

<ul> #foreach ($item in $URLMapContent.jsonField) <li>$item</li> #end </ul>

This yields:

1 2 • asdfjkl; • [{data=1234, arranged=(and how!)}, as an example]

To access the JSON without excluding the keys, instead access the field as a hash table, using the keySet method. For example:

<ul> #foreach ($key in $URLMapContent.jsonField.keySet) <li>Key: $key / Value: $URLMapContent.jsonField.get($key)</li> #end </ul>

The result:

Key: look / Value: 1 Key: at / Value: 2 Key: some / Value: asdfjkl; Key: JSON / Value: [{data=1234, arranged=(and how!)}, as an example]