Adding a Folder

You can add a new top-level folder or subfolder in the Site Browser tree (Site -> Browser) and select New -> Folder.

  • To Add a Top-Level Folder:
    • Right-click the Site and select Add Folder. Adding a folder to a Site creates a top level parent folder that is visible when the Site is selected.

  • To Add a Subfolder:
    • Right-click a folder and select New -> Folder.

Both of these methods open the Add/Edit Folder popup, which prompts you to enter the following information for the folder:

TitleA user-friendly title for the folder. The title may contain characters that are not valid in a URL.
Name (URL)The URL path for the folder. - After you fill in the title, this field auto-populates with a valid URL for the folder (generated by replacing or removing non-valid URL characters from the Title). - After it is auto-populated, you may manually change it.
Sort Order (legacy)A numeric value used to sort the order of objects in the navigation menu. - This value is only used if the folder has the Show On Menu property selected. - This is a legacy feature; you may now re-order the menus using a drag-and-drop method from the Page editing screen.
Show On MenuChecking this option causes the folder to automatically appear in any dynamic navigation menus that display the current directory.
Allowed File ExtensionsLimits the type of files that can be uploaded to the folder. - By default, this is blank, meaning that there are no limits to the types of files that can be uploaded to the folder. - If you type anything into this field (in the format *.{extension1}, *.{extension2}, etc.), files that end in any extension other than the extensions you listed will not be allowed (attempting to upload will fail).
Default File Asset TypeSpecifies the default file Content Type used when uploading files to this folder. - This will be the content type used when dotCLI is used to upload files to the folder.