Velocity Playground

The Velocity Playground is a developer tool that allows easy previewing, testing and debugging of Velocity code. Introduced in dotCMS version 23.01, the utility can be accessed through the dotCMS admin panel menu, under the Dev Tools group.

Screenshot of the dotCMS Dev Tools tool group containing the Playground tool.


From the dotCMS back end, visit Dev Tools → Velocity. This opens the following display:

Screenshot of the Velocity Playground screen, with code on the left pane and output on the right.

Enter Velocity code into the left-hand pane and then click the Run Velocity button above. The output will be displayed on the right side.

Total execution time is displayed underneath the output, to assist with optimization.

Permission Requirements#

In order to use the Velocity Playground, a user must have the Scripting User role. This is required for all users of the Velocity Playground, including those with the CMS Admin role.