dotAI Workflows

The dotAI feature adds four Workflow Sub-Actions, or actionlets, to dotCMS. Each is considered separately in its own subsection below.

dotAI Workflow Actions.

For all asynchronous functions, it is recommended to save all user-generated content and exit the contentlet editor while the write action occurs in the background; the asynchronous process will save when complete, which can result in the loss of unsaved user-generated content.

AI Auto-Tag Content#

This actionlet will attempt to Auto-tag your contentlet based on its values — automatically addressing itself to a Content Type's Tag field, when present. It takes five parameters:

Overwrite tagsSelect true or false. If false, it will only write to an empty field.
Limit the keywords to pre-existing tagsSelect true or false. If false, it will add tags to the dotCMS instance's list of tags.
Update content asynchronouslyTakes an integer value. If 0, it runs only at the time the actionlet is called; otherwise, after being called, it will update the tags in X seconds. (Please see the note about asynchronous Workflow processes.)
AI modelThe text model used to generate written responses.
AI temperatureDetermines randomness of the response. Takes a number between 0.1 and 2.0, with 0 as the most deterministic and 2 as the most random, or creative in associativity.

AI Content Prompt#

This actionlet will generate text content. You may specify both a prompt, which can itself contain Velocity code referencing content data via the $dotContentMap built-in content object.

If the prompt specifies that the AI should return a JSON object, be sure to specify the keys of the relevant object properties; their associated values will be sent to the corresponding fields by variable name.

ResultsSpecify a field to receive the results of the prompt supplied. If left blank, be sure to indicate in the prompt that the AI should return a JSON object.
OverwriteSelect true or false. If false, it will only write to an empty field.
PromptThe prompt that will be sent to the AI. May include references to the content object via $dotContentMap.
Update content asynchronouslyTakes an integer value. If 0, it runs only at the time the actionlet is called; otherwise, after being called, it will update the tags in X seconds. (Please see the note about asynchronous Workflow processes.)
AI modelThe text model used to generate written responses.
AI temperatureDetermines randomness of the response. Takes a number between 0.1 and 2.0, with 0 as the most deterministic and 2 as the most random, or creative in associativity.

AI Embeddings#

This actionlet gives more precise control over the "embeddings" of content. Embeddings are collections of numerical measurements that signify the relatedness of text strings, which are crucial for a variety of AI operations — in particular, for forming semantic search indexes.

If fields are not specify, dotCMS will attempt to guess which fields should be used for indexing operations through the following guidelines:

ContentletIndex the first Block Editor, WYSIWYG, or TextArea field.
PageRender the Page and use the resultant HTML.
File Asset or dotAssetIndex the first binary field.

The AI Embeddings actionlet has three parameters:

List of fieldsA comma- or newline-separated list of fields, in the form of {contentType}.{fieldVar} (or simply {contentType}) used to generate embeddings. If blank, dotCMS will attempt to intelligently select which fields are used in indexing operations.
Index NameThe name of the index appearing in the dotAI Tool to be acted upon.
Delete or InsertDepending on this selection, this actionlet can either add or remove the relevant embedding from the specified index, allowing a high degree of fine tuning at the Workflow level.

AI Generate Image#

This actionlet allows generation of images based on a dynamically defined prompt. As with the prompt in AI Content Prompt, the prompt may contain references to content via the $dotContentMap built-in content object.

The actionlet's parameters are as follows:

Image fieldSpecify to which field, by variable, the image should be saved. If left blank, the process will select the first binary field in the contentlet.
OverwriteSelect true or false. If false, it will only write to an empty field.
PromptThe prompt that will be sent to the AI. May include references to the content object via $dotContentMap.
Update content asynchronouslyTakes an integer value. If 0, it runs only at the time the actionlet is called; otherwise, after being called, it will update the tags in X seconds. (Please see the note about asynchronous Workflow processes.)